Blogger: Rachel Zurakowski
Location: Books & Such main office, Santa Rosa, Calif.
Welcome to our blog carnival! Throughout the week I’ve been receiving links to blogs about everything related to book publishing and writing. Now I get to share these blogs with you.
I encourage you to check them out and leave comments. If you see a blog that you especially relate to or that’s on a topic you are an expert on, send an email to the blog owner to ask if you can link to the blog on your website or blog. Maybe they’ll want to link to your page too! Or perhaps you see a blog you might be able to guest blog on. Why not introduce yourself to the blog owner? This “party” is all about making connections. I hope you enjoy it! Please feel free to post comments and feedback on the Books & Such blog comments section too.
Blog Carnival
Buffy’s Write Zone with host Buffy Andrews–Middle Grade and YA author and Assistant Managing Editor of Features and Niche Publications at York Daily Record/Sunday News in York, PA.
Kindred Heart Writers hosted by the Kindred Heart Writers’ Group–Jean Wise, Laura Groves, Clella Camp, Johnnie Donley and Karen Evans–who met at the 2007 Florida Christian Writers’ Conference.
True Story Ink with host Laura Cross–freelance editor with more than 16 years of experience, ghostwriter and non-fiction author.
Adventures in Writing hosted by seven fiction authors–Dave, Anthony Pacheco, Patrick Parr, Douglas L. Perry, Jen K. Blom, Alex Moore, and Diane.
Write in the Way with Kristin Torres-Torro–writer, missionary, dreamer, and photographer. hosted by Laura Frantz–author with Revell Books, graduate of Denison University, former school teacher and former social worker.
Scribble Chicks hosted by five authors–B.J. Hamrick, Erynn Mangum, Betsey St. Amant, Christa Banister, and C.J. Darlington.
The Master’s Artist with many contributors–both fiction and non-fiction authors.
Into the Fire hosted by novelist Nicole Petrino-Salter.
Jean’s Encouraging Words for Writers with host Jean Matthew Hall–writer and book reviewer.
Write2Ignite! blog of the Write2Ignite! writers’ group founded by Dr. Gail Hayes–with many blog contributors who write children’s books.
Fire It Up! the official blog of the Write2Ignite! 2010 Writers’ Conference in Greenville, SC.
OnWords with Janet Ann Collins–writer, speaker, teacher, and children’s book reviewer. hosted by Kimberlee Conway Ireton–author with InterVarsity Press.
Writing to Distraction with host Carla Gade–inspirational writer, mother of two sons, avid reader, and web designer.
The Writing Place with Carol Benedict–suspense writer and book reviewer.
A Woman’s View hosted by author Lenore Buth–author with Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis; wife and mother. with five ACFW writer hosts–Lynn Dean, Melinda Evaul, Michelle Van Loun, Naomi Musch, and Teri Dawn Smith–who are also homeschool moms who publish free writing exercises targeting homeschooled teens interested in learning how to write fiction.
A Christian Writer’s World hosted by Lena Nelson Dooley–author, speaker, and president of DFW Ready Writers.
The Journey is Everything with fiction author, Travis Thrasher.
T.L. Hines hosted by Thomas Nelson author T.L. Hines.
Ted Dekker with suspense author, Ted Dekker.
A Novel Journey with many contributors. One of Writer’s Digest’s 101 Most Valuable Websites for Writers, 2008.
Novel Matters hosted by six fiction authors–Patti Hill, Bonnie Grove, Kathleen Popa, Latayne C. Scott, Sharon K. Sousa, and Debbie Fuller Thomas.
Thank you for participating! I hope I got all of the information and links correct. If you see anything that needs to be corrected, please leave a comment to let me know. Enjoy!
Buffy Andrews
Thanks for doing this,Rachel. I so love carnivals. Can’t wait to explore:)
Thanks, Rachel. Good list.
Kristen Torres-Toro
Thank you for this opportunity, Rachel! I can’t wait to check these links out!
Sorry I missed the chance to send in my link but this is a marvelous group you’ve got here! I’m bookmarking this page so I can visit each of them and give them the time they deserve.
Happy Thursday,
Nancy Williams
Great idea Rachel! I’ve been cruising around the blogs and parked for a bit at A Woman’s View to read some of Lenore’s entries. Didn’t know about her until today but hope to connect there. Thanks for hosting!
Lenore Buth
Thanks, Rachel, for including my blog. One correction: Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis.
Cindy R. Wilson
Thank you, Rachel, for posting all of these links. I’ve already seen a few of these before and the rest are going to be fun to explore and learn from.
Clella Camp
Thanks so much for listing the kindred heart writers. Also what a great list. I intend to bookmark also and visit and interact with many of these great sites. Good idea. Clella of
Jean Wise
What a fun list to explore and my writers group is proud to be on this list. Thanks for organizing it, Rachel
Jean Hall
Hi, Rachel
The link for Write2Ignite! is incorrect. It links instead to Jean’s Encouraging Words.
The correct link is
Rachel Zurakowski
Thanks for the kind responses! I’m so glad you’re enjoying these blogs.
Jean, I’m sorry I got that link wrong. I’ll get it fixed.
Jen, why don’t you go ahead and post a comment with your blog link.
Lynn Dean
Wow! It’s like a buffet! I can’t wait to dig in. 😉
Sharon Mayhew
Very informative post. Thanks for sharing. I’m pleased with myself, I already follow a few of these blogs. 🙂
Janet Ann Collins
The link to my OnWords blog works fine and I hope some people might send me children’s books to review there in the future. Thanks for doing this, Rachel.
Carla Gade
Thanks for the carnival Rachel. It’s a lot of fun and a great chance to get to visit one another!
Jennifer Aderhold
What a fun party! What a great opportunity to find and meet other folks with the “write mindset”. Thanks for the carnival, Rachel.
Lynn Rush
Sweet. These are great sites.
Alex Moore
excellent idea — and lots of awesome links! I will enjoying browsing through, for sure. thanks also for including our Adventures in Writing blog link.
Thank you for all your efforts. As a new and hopeful writer, these links will be a big help.