It’s a fresh year, and perhaps you’re asking yourself questions many writers ask: Do I really need an agent? What do they even do for authors, after the book contract is signed? Here at Books & Such, we partner with …
A Dozen Best Things About Being a Writer in 2023
Too often we talk about how tough the writing world is these days. Today let me turn the tables and talk about some of the best things about being a writer today in 2023.
A Dozen Best Things About Being
…Writer Hacks
If you want to write faster, or with more emotion on the page, or more compellingly, or without losing track of who’s who, or losing your mind, you may need a writer hack.
A quick online search will reveal hacks …
While You Wait
How to be Productive When You Don’t Feel Up To It
I’m writing this blog post on Saturday, the day I planned to reorganize all my bathroom cabinets. I woke up this morning and decided I don’t feel up to it. Rather than beat myself up for a bad case of …
The Career Plan
By Wendy Lawton
A new year. A new decade. Doesn’t it feel like time to touch base, time to plan, time to talk about what the year may hold for each of us? Your agent will tell you, however, that …
The Writer Who Speaks
Blogger: Cynthia Ruchti
Writers speak. Speaking in public remains a perennial item on the list of things-I-think-will-kill-me-or-worse for many people, writers included. A writer who is able to communicate clearly on paper does not instantly translate into a natural speaker.…
Fruit Loops for Writers
Blogger: Cynthia Ruchti
Fruit loops? Not the cereal. The cycle.
Whether or not you adhere to the premise that the Bible is practical for daily life–pick a subject, any subject–I personally see a strong correlation between what it teaches and …
Goal, Motivation, Conflict: The Importance for Authors
Goal, Moviation, Conflict
by Cynthia Ruchti
Every novice novelist soon learns about goal, motivation, and conflict. The mysterious GMC factor drives a good novel. And it isn’t produced by General Motors Corporation.
Debra Dixon wrote a classic resource for writers–…
Goal, Motivation, Conflict: The Importance for AuthorsRead More
Do You Communicate Too Often with Your Publisher?
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
Finding the right balance between communicating too often or not often enough with your publisher is a tightrope authors walk all the time. With varying degrees of success.
I’m in the middle of straightening out …