Dreams chase us as writers.
We have vision to write words that will help others and the big dream that those words will actually be published one day. But when days turn to weeks, months and years, the insecurity and …
// by Debbie Alsdorf// 10 Comments
Dreams chase us as writers.
We have vision to write words that will help others and the big dream that those words will actually be published one day. But when days turn to weeks, months and years, the insecurity and …
// by Janet Grant// 13 Comments
I need to start out by apologizing. I know writers are weary of being told to build their platforms, to promote their books on social media, to, well, work magic at something most don’t particularly enjoy. I’m one of those …
A Social Media Platform that REALLY Sells Books: TikTokRead More
// by Wendy Lawton// 7 Comments
At a staff meeting recently, we discussed how many things have changed in publishing. I’ve been a full-time agent for fifteen years and when I think back to what I taught or espoused back then and in the years since, …
// by Rachel Kent// 6 Comments
Blogger: Rachel Kent
A Books & Such client asked a great question on Facebook recently. She wanted to know what some experienced bloggers wished they had known before starting their blogs. The majority answered that they wished they had a …
// by Wendy Lawton// 28 Comments
By Wendy Lawton
Okay, confession time: Here at Books & Such I’m known as the platform denier. The skeptic. Card-carrying member of the Book Marketing Flat Earth Society. Yes, I know that an author’s platform can be a powerful thing, …
// by Janet Grant// 28 Comments
by Janet Kobobel Grant
“Badges? We don’t have no badges. We don’t need no badges. I don’t have to show you no stinkin’ badges!” is a portion of a bandito’s dialogue from the 1948 movie, “The Treasure of Sierra Madre.” …
// by Janet Grant// 57 Comments
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
Writers who published their first books in the 1980s to 1990s–even the early 2000s–tend to flip out when someone utters the word platform. They’ve never recovered from the sticker shock of seeing a list of what …
// by Janet Grant// 51 Comments
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
The current publishing climate isn’t for the faint of heart or weak of spirit; it takes a willingness to experiment to find what will generate the word of mouth to sell books.
How can a writer …
// by Rachel Kent// 16 Comments
Blogger: Rachel Kent
We all use the internet for marketing these days. It’s the way to reach a large audience with relatively little trouble or expense. I have listed some free and inexpensive marketing ideas in a blog post before, …
// by Rachel Kent// 35 Comments
Blogger: Rachel Kent
When I like what I’m reading in a proposal and manuscript, the next step is to look up the author online. I’ll start with a Google search. On Google, I’m hoping to find out if the author …