It’s a fresh year, and perhaps you’re asking yourself questions many writers ask: Do I really need an agent? What do they even do for authors, after the book contract is signed? Here at Books & Such, we partner with …
Inside the Mind of a New Agent
For many aspiring authors, the path to obtaining representation by a literary agent feels elusive and shrouded in mystery. What makes an agent ask for a proposal, and after that, a full manuscript? Why would an agent stop reading all …
Ready, Set, Send
It’s not far into childhood before we learn the “Ready, Set, Go!” game. Parents, arms extended, could simply say, “Jump!” and the toddler would happily respond. But even the rhythm and anticipation of “Ready” (not yet), “Set” (not quite), and …
Looking Back to Help Others Move Forward
Does Your Writing Career Need a Diet?
Does your writing career need to go on a diet so that it can get stronger again?
It’s no secret that losing weight is one of the most common new year’s resolutions. The resolution is triggered by an ah-ha moment …
Among a Writer’s Most Potent Words
blogger: Cynthia Ruchti
What are among a writer’s most potent words? Which ones will have an impact beyond what a writer can imagine?
Some might guess it’s the exquisite words: THE END.
But it’s actually the words that come after…
Never-Fail Formula for Writing a Book That Won’t Become a Bestseller
Blogger: Cynthia Ruchti
Maybe it’s not discussed often enough in writers’ circles. We talk about what we can do to ready our work for a publisher’s eyes. We list ways to draw readers’ attention with our novels or nonfiction.…
Never-Fail Formula for Writing a Book That Won’t Become a BestsellerRead More
Know Means No: Giving Editors and Agents a Reason to Say Yes
Know means no.
Blogger: Cynthia Ruchti
What do you need to know to make it less likely an agent or editor will say no to your proposal?
KNOW who you are (and who you aren’t) as a writer.
You may …
Know Means No: Giving Editors and Agents a Reason to Say YesRead More
Instinct, Insight, Imagination–Authors’ and Agents’ Tools for Success
Instinct, Insight, Imagination
Blogger: Cynthia Ruchti
Instinct. Insight. Imagination. Agents and authors share the need for all three.
Writers utilize instinct, insight, and imagination to create books, blog posts, back cover copy, marketing materials, and career plans.
And agents tap …
Instinct, Insight, Imagination–Authors’ and Agents’ Tools for SuccessRead More
Goal, Motivation, Conflict: The Importance for Authors
Goal, Moviation, Conflict
by Cynthia Ruchti
Every novice novelist soon learns about goal, motivation, and conflict. The mysterious GMC factor drives a good novel. And it isn’t produced by General Motors Corporation.
Debra Dixon wrote a classic resource for writers–…
Goal, Motivation, Conflict: The Importance for AuthorsRead More