Blogger: Wendy Lawton
Last week I picked up the phone and made an offer of representation to an author. I won’t tell you who it is because she is a regular member of our blog community, and it’s up to her how and when she shares this news, but I thought I’d write a little bit about the process.
Step One: This author first came to my attention through her Books & Such blog comments. I began to recognize her name and I liked her from the start.
Step Two–9/19/2012: She sent an outstanding query to the correct email ( with the subject line: “Query for Wendy”– how we love writers who follow our guidelines. Yes, there is always room for grace, but this query was perfect. It made me want to read the book, and it gave me all the important information. Plus it was sent through our regular query system. Note: Following directions always endears you to an agent.
Step Three–9/20/2012: Our beloved first readers forwarded the email on to me. Note: It doesn’t always happen this quickly. It can take a week or more for the first readers to process a query.
Step Four— 9/20/2012: I opened the email, read the query and knew I wanted to see more. I sent a one-line email saying: “I’d like to take a look at your book. Can you send the proposal and three chapters to me (as attachments) at this address?” Note: It almost never happens this quickly. I had a segment of time open up right then to read, get excited and reply.
Step Five— 9/20/2012: The author sent the proposal and first three chapters immediately. Note: We do not expect authors to be sitting by the computer waiting to send the proposal. It almost never happens this quickly.
Step Six— 9/20/2012: Still working within that open block of time–which almost never happens–I read the proposal and chapters and couldn’t wait to get my hands on the manuscript. I wrote: “So far, so very enchanting. I love the promise of a miracle–the magical realism. Plus the characters are well drawn. Will you send me the whole manuscript?”
Step Seven— 9/20/2012: Author sends whole manuscript.
Step Eight–Six weeks later: Author sends a nudge: “I have my calendar marked to check in with you on my manuscript this week. I hope you’ve had a chance to give it a look, but thanks to Facebook and your blog I understand if you haven’t! <snip details> I’ll look forward to hearing from you when the time is right.” Note: A nudge is always appropriate. Things get crazy and though I was dying to read this manuscript, pressing things edged in ahead of it. This nudge reminded me how much I wanted to read the rest of the story. I made a reminder to myself to get to this manuscript.
Step Nine— 11/18/2012: Halfway through the book I stopped to drop the author a note: “I started reading your manuscript this weekend. I’m more than halfway through. I should have waited until I’m completely done, but I love this book. It reminds me of [book name] and [book name]— two of my favorites. Since I’m having trouble putting it down, I’ll probably be back to you in a few days, but I just had to stop and tell you how much I am enjoying your work.”
Step Ten— 11/20/2012: I tried to call the writer, but she was not at home. (Who calls during Thanksgiving Week?) I sent an email: “I called but missed you. I finished reading the book. What a beautiful story. I laughed and I cried. I feel so blessed by your writing and for getting to see the world through your eyes. I’d like very much to offer representation if you are still open to it. As I was reading, I kept thinking of editors I wanted to share this with–a sure sign for me that I want to represent you.”
The writer called back a few hours later, just before she was to head out for Thanksgiving. She had a number of questions for me. (She was prepared.) I must have answered them correctly because she accepted my offer.
Note: It never happens the same way twice. As you can see from the timing, much of this had to do with my receiving the query on a day that had unexpectedly offered an open block of time. (Makes you wonder who orchestrates these happenstances.) I know I have some proposals and manuscripts that have been languishing longer than this but discovering treasure often occurs out of order.
We talk so much about the tough odds, I just thought it might be fun to highlight the up side for a change. Does this raise any questions about the process for you? Ask away!
Rick Barry
Wendy, today’s post doesn’t raise questions in my mind, but it was delightful to read a short true story that reads like a fairy tale for authors. I can’t help being thrilled for that unnamed author and for the new bond you two formed extraordinarily quickly. May her next book be equally excellent!
Wendy Lawton
You can imagine how exciting it is for an agent to find a book she loves. When we say it’s all about the book, it really is.
Normandie Fischer
Just as exciting as it is for an editor to find one, Wendy! Congratulations all around.
jacqueline gillam fairchild
Dear Wendy:
It is a hectic time of year and to stop and read your blog brought chills. This is a true Christmas story for your author. You have changed someone’s life while enriching your own. Keep up all your hard work.
Warm regards
Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild
Wendy Lawton
Thanks, Jacqueline.
Anne Love
How wonderful for this un-named author–and for you too! Now I can’t wait to discover also! This story gives hope but also gives me faith in the hard work of preparation and God’s timing!
Wendy Lawton
That’s one of the reasons I wanted to share this story. So much is about God’s timing.
Sally Bradley
Very cool story, Wendy! Newly-represented author? Are you out there???? 🙂
I hear too many writers talking about finishing their rough draft and sending out queries and proposals before the book is completely finished. They all think they have months to finish that book before they hear back. But I’ve heard more than one story that played out just like this one.
Can’t wait to hear more!
Wendy Lawton
Good point, Sally. I think it’s important to have all parts of a project ready to go. If someone is looking for something specific, say in a nonfiction project, the requests may come quickly.
A very exciting post, thank you. Many congratulations to you and the ‘un-named.’ It is inspiring when someone reaches their dream. And even more inspiring when God’s strong hand is all over the process!
Wendy Lawton
I hope I didn’t “out” this author too soon. 🙂
Jennifer Major @Jjumping
Yay for the good news!!!
Congratulations, who ever you are 🙂
Questions about the process…sure. Like, where do we send the slabs of chocolate?
What? That hints of sheer bribery?
Okay. Fine. That totally smacks of bribery.
I do see that her name was recognizable from her comments here, which is encouraging. I like that you appreciate proper etiquette, which contrary to some of my comments, I actually do possess.
And I see that a polite nudge is also appreciated.
As much as this whole querying thing feels like asking the coolest guy in town to the prom, one must remember that you really are looking for the jewel hiding in the jungle and get excited when you find it.
So, about that chocolate….
Christine Dorman / @looneyfilberts
Oh, darn, Jennifer. I had a few names in mind of who the unknown person could be and you were one of them. Hopefully, you will be the author accepting representation soon.
Jennifer Major @Jjumping
My word, Christine, you are SUCH a HUGE blessing to me!!
Thank you for thinking of me.
Truth be told, I thought it may have been you!
Amanda Stephan
Haha, Christine, I thought it was Jennifer as well!
Wendy Lawton
You caught that. I was impressed that even though this was a recognizable “name” from our blog community, she sent the query through our regular channels. That way it gets logged in properly and comes to me in a very specific way.
And, as for chocolate, no bribes were involved in this particular offer of representation. (A great read is the best bribe to a book-loving agent.)
Lindsay Harrel
What a fun story!! Congrats to this author.
I do really love how this story illustrates a few things:
-Connecting with an agent often begins with a relationship. I would imagine that cold queries likely don’t get as much excitement and immediate response as when an agent recognizes an author and already likes him or her as a person.
-A relationship is a gateway, but not enough. Our manuscripts still need to be in fabulous shape and as ready for publication as we can get them.
Thanks for sharing, Wendy! I just love reading success stories.
Wendy Lawton
Bingo! “A relationship is a gateway but not enough.” Maybe the key is the book that makes us long to show it to our friends. (And our friends just happen to be editors.)
Jeanne T
I’m so glad you shared this story, Wendy! Congratulations to this as yet, unnamed author. I’m so excited for you!
This is a story that gives encouragement for others of us who are, as yet, unrepresented. I love hearing how God worked to bring you both together.
The biggest thing that stood out in my mind is that this author was well prepared when she sent out her query to you. She was able to work within the unexpected block of time you had. Such a good reminder to live the Boy Scout motto: Be prepared. I’m working on that. 🙂
Wendy Lawton
I tend to believe that if you are called to write for publication, it is just a matter of the right book at the right time. Don’t buy into all the naysayers.
Tari Faris
I love this! What an encouraging way to start the morning. Like listening to a testimony in church, I love hearing how God works out the details and timing in a career. Congratulations new represented author! May God continue to open the right doors at the right time.
Thanks for the delightful post, Wendy. It’s also a good reminder that even when it happens super quick, “quick” is a few months.
Sally Bradley
Yes, Tari, it’s a publishing testimony! LOL. We definitely need more of these. They’re like a pep talk to those out there who are getting discouraged, a reminder to spend some quality time at our computer, our fingers on the keyboard. Because it’s worth it.
Wendy Lawton
You are welcome, Tari. And, as you know, it doesn’t always happen that fast. 😉 A slower process doesn’t neccesarily mean an agent is not interested or not as excited.
Tiana Smith
I LOVE stories like this. Congrats to the author and I’m so happy that you’ve both found a mutually beneficial working relationship. Kudos to both of you!
Meghan Carver
What a wonderful reminder that we need to be prepared…and stay close to the email! Congratulations to whoever-it-is!
I agree with Meghan that today’s blog is a wonderful reminder of being prepared and staying close to email.
Congradulations to the your new client whoever she is. From the list of previous comments to this blog it is not who I thought it would be unless someone is holding back. I always enjoy a good mystery. Again best of luck to both client and agent on thier new relationship!
I agree. I kept scrolling down thinking, “Okay, if it wasn’t her it was [insert name]. Hmmm….wasn’t [insert name] either, so it could be [insert name here]. Scrolling….scrolling… many people it’s not! The mystery continues!”
Christine Dorman / @looneyfilberts
Me too, Larry. I keep looking for the name. I made a comment to Jennifer about being sorry it wasn’t her, but I could say the same about Lyndsay, and Jeanne and so on. I’m just excited that it was someone in this group since there are so many wonderful people here.
Morgan Tarpley
I have been scrolling down too doing that! lol
We’re all looking out for each other and ready to celebrate! Who is the author? 🙂
Wendy Lawton
Yikes. I didn’t mean to make this a mystery. Many times an author doesn’t want to announce until the contract is signed, sealed and delivered. And some people are away for the holidays and some sensitive authors hesitate to share good news because many of their friends are still waiting and. . .
Sorry, new client, I didn’t mean to put pressure on you, wherever you are. 🙂
Jeanne T
We’ll just look forward to rejoicing with her when she announces herself. 🙂
Morgan Tarpley
Great post, Wendy! Just what we unagented, unpublished writers need to hear! 🙂 It spurs us on to deliver our best and to be prepared.
Congrats to this author!!! 🙂
Jill Kemerer
Ooo, love this! Just what I needed to perk me up on a Tuesday morning.
Congratulations to your new client! What really made me smile? Your note to her where you mention being blessed by her writing. What a huge compliment! It’s wonderful to see that kind of appreciation.
Best wishes to you both as you begin to share her book with editors!
Amanda Dykes
Congratulations, new client! Can’t wait to discover who it is. 🙂
What a wonderful story of how the journey of her words is unfolding, already accomplishing the things she probably dreamed of (laughter, tears, blessing readers). Such a joy to hear.
Congrats to our fellow writer taking the next step on their writing journey!
Plus, I’m a sucker for magical realism, so I’m looking forward to reading it myself!
Christine Dorman / @looneyfilberts
What a wonderful story, Wendy! Thank you for sharing it. The odds against getting representation seem to be overwhelming, but your story demonstrates that a)following directions, b)knowing the business side of writing (e.g. how to write a query), c)having the writing skills to deliver an excellent manuscript, d) being prepared and prompt, e) making connections with people–as an intelligent, likable, respectful human being go a long way in helping to improve one’s chances of being published. And having God’s help with the timing doesn’t hurt either! 🙂
Congratulations to whoever the author is. I am delighted for you!
My only regret is that I can’t hope to have you as my agent, Wendy, since you represent adult books and I write YA. 🙁 I just am thankful to be able to connect with you here, not only to learn from your wisdom, but just to spend time chatting with a warm, friendly, encouraging person. I am also thankful for this community as warm, friendly, encouraging, and supportive are terms that apply to all the members of this group.
Blessings to all!
Wendy Lawton
Exactly right, Christine. When art, skill and professionalism are involved, odds have nothing to do with it. It is not an even playing field– each writer brings a different package to the table. And each agent connects with something totally different.
and, yes, then there’s God. . .
Cheryl Russell
Congratulations to both of you! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Joanne Sher
Soo wanting to know who this is – congrats to BOTH of you! Loved, and was encouraged by, this post.
Reading this made me cheer for you and for her! Also, u laughed at the six week nudge, I’d so mark my calendar too.
Wendy Lawton
I can’t imagine an agent or an editor resenting a friendly nudge. It is nothing less than a help to someone whose workload feels overwhelming at times. Besides it gives you another opportunity to display your professionalism.
Morgan Tarpley
I think I may have guessed who the author is…but I must wait until they make the announcement! So excited!
We’re all just plain nosy, huh! I guess that means we’re good observers, which goes with writing hand in hand. 🙂
I agree with you Morgan. I think I know who it is too. I think there was a clue in another’s Book & Such Agent’s blog entry.
Very excited for her too!
Jonathan Dalar
To me, two things stand out above all else. First, do your research and submit/query the proper way, and second, write a damned great story. That’s really all it takes.
It’s really that simple, which makes it all the more baffling seeing agents saying over and over how many times authors get it wrong.
And congratulations to the newly represented author!
Wendy Lawton
And Jonathan, the great story even trumps the proper query. We are really not sticklers for a perfect query. It’s just that this query caught my interest in a whole number of ways. Perhaps I’ll talk to this writer and see if we can do a blog with her query– showing why it stood out.
The reason we have query guidelines is that the perfect query will be noticed, be logged and answer all our questions– making it easy to get to the next step.
About the great story (or for NF writers, the compelling book)– it is just like when you discover a book you can’t stop thinking/talking about. You just want to be part of it, whether it’s as a reader and you talk about it and recommend it or as a potential agent and you long to represent it.
Jeanne T
I hope you dooooo showcase her query…..when the time’s right. That would be interesting to see and learn from.
Beth K. Vogt
Loved the story … but I also love the celebrating going on for the mystery author … so, so much fun!
Keli Gwyn
What an encouraging story. Congratulations to the new Bookie, whoever she is!
Congratulations to you both! I love blog posts like this. Even when we do our research all the information can get jumbled. So, it’s nice to see how to do it right.
Thank you again for this. Can’t wait to see who it is.
Stephanie M.
Yay!!! This is such a lovely blog community- I’m glad one of our own is rocking it.
Gabrielle Meyer
Wendy, thank you for sharing this story. I’m finding that every author’s story is a little different from the others – but don’t we, as writers, love that? Part of the fun of this journey is watching our own stories (and those of our friends) unfold before our eyes, written by the Author of the Universe. Congratulations to the mystery author and to Books & Such! We’ll all be cheering her on to the next step.
Wendy Lawton
Author of the Universe– yes!
Cheryl Malandrinos
How exciting! I’m so glad I took a moment to check into the blog today. Congratulations to you both. Praying this leads to a long and prosperous relationship.
It’s easy to see God at work here: you just happened to have time to review the query once the author submitted it and the author was led to submit her query just at the right time.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful story.
Jenni Brummett
If we’re excited for this author, imagine how ecstatic she is. I wonder if she is wiping the sweat of hard work from her brow, crying when she recalls God’s providence, or doing cartwheels in her front yard.
Seeing an author’s potential and extending it to the publishing world must be exhilarating.
Wendy, does this author have other book ideas on the back burner as well? Is that important to you when you offer representation?
Hope you had a delicious Thanksgiving!
Wendy Lawton
You asked whether this author has other book ideas. . . yes. But that’s a good question. Sometimes, especially with nonfiction, an author will just have one book in him or her. Maybe it’s a narrative of some huge event. We would know going in that this will be a one-book author. But it’s more normal for us to sign an author long term. We look far beyond the one book we read.
Laurie Evans
Thanks for sharing this story!
Heather Day Gilbert
OH MY WORD, this is a total mystery! Can’t wait to see who the unnamed author is. There is NOTHING BETTER than hearing good news right before a holiday. I signed with my agent the week of Valentine’s Day. I’ll never look at that day the same way again!
Heather Day Gilbert
Also, I just think it’s so awesome that we are such a tight-knit group of writers that we know almost everyone who COULD HAVE BEEN the choice! And we’ll all be ecstatic for her!
Amanda Dykes
I love that too, Heather!
Lindsay Harrel
I know, isn’t that the neatest thing?!
Jeanne T
Sooo true, Heather!
Morgan Tarpley
hear, hear! 🙂
P. J. Casselman
Congratulations on representation for the author and on a new client for you, Wendy. It’s fun to come to the Books and Such blog and hear exciting news. Blessings on the business venture!
Julane Hiebert
How very exciting. And a HUGE reminder that one should actually comment, rather than just read your blogs. Can you color me coward? That would be a rather ugly yellow/green that is about to change very soon.
Congratulations to the newly represented author. What a great way to celebrate Thanksgiving and the year ahead.
Wendy Lawton
We may be somewhat different here at Books & Such because our clients already form a close-knit community. Our blog has also developed a community, some who are our clients and some who are not.
Don’t ever be shy about commenting but also, don’t feel pressure to do so. It’s just a big, fun place to talk writing. When we come to the blog to comment, we just “talk” off the top of our heads. Just like a light conversation. We don’t look for perfect grammar, spelling, etc. Even in our own comments– quick and light.
Julaine, I’m with you. I tend to lurk. 😉
Question: I’ve read a lot about query letters, many of them from your blog. I’m curious about what it was in the query letter that caught your eye or was perfect. I know every query is different just like every process is different as you’ve explained, but I would love to know what was right about the query letter. And what did the first readers see in the query that they passed it on to you?
Wendy Lawton
In this case it was Rachel who read the query so I asked her what made her send it She said that she felt the story sounded unique (and Rachel has “the eye”) the writer mentioned that she followed me on my Facebook and blog (connection) she had significant award wins (seriously critiqued) and her own background was impressive.
It was sent to me because the writer had put “query for Wendy Lawton” in the subject line. If she had not specified, Rachel might have chosen to ask for the proposal or sent the query to a number of us to see if any of the rest of us (we have five agents at Books & Such) were interested.
Our first readers are superb and basically they spend a lot of time getting rid of crazy, inappropriate queries. A good query moves forward.
Michele de Winton
I’m new here, but found this happy story on twitter. Great timing. I’ve had an agent joyfully request my full MS in a story much like yours but have heard nothing since. I shall *nudge* in a cheerful way today.
Congrats mystery author! And yeah for you enjoying the whole process so much Wendy, must make it so worth it on days like these.
Jill Kemerer
Welcome, Michelle! I hope you hear news to celebrate soon!
Jenni Brummett
Michele, glad you found this fantastic community.
Sybil Bates McCormack
Hi, everyone. I usually lurk here, but even I’m stepping forward to say, “Tell us who you are already!” Hahahahahaha! So happy for you whoever you are. Blessings, all! (Tip-toeing back to work.)
Jill Kemerer
Hi Sybil! So glad you took the plunge to comment! 🙂
Wendy Lawton
See, Sybil, it’s not hard to jump in. The people who gather here are the best.
Karen Barnett
Hooray! Another Bookie joins the family.
I love that you kept repeating, “It almost never happens this quickly.” I’ve noticed things often seem to happen that way in publishing. It’s wait, wait, wait, bite nails, almost give up… and then BAM, a whole bunch of things happen at once. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself. 😉
She was very clever to mark her calendar. We could all learn from her organization skills.
Wendy Lawton
Karen, you are absolutely right. It’s wait, wait, wait and then all of a sudden, the pressure is on. It’s the same with a book sale. It feels like you have all the time in the world to write your first book and then when you make the sale, you’ll never have that leisure again. It’s writing the next one, editing the last one, promoting the present one. . .
Amanda Stephan
What a great post, Wendy. Thank you for sharing it. And congratulations to the unnamed author. It almost has a fairy tale quality to it. Just think…we can say we knew her in the comments…
But seriously now, to address one of my own issues here. I’m one of those that is afraid, nay, terrified, to send the friendly nudge. So scared, that breathing into a paper bag will not help and that button never gets pushed. Very refreshing to see that it’s okay after all, and I enjoyed how she worded it.
Please excuse me.
*I need to find a paper bag…*
Jennifer Major
The Books and Such Detective and Salutation Agency is open for business!!
Wendy Lawton
We’re expecting a lot from you.
Jennifer Major
Wellllll, no pressure!
Alright, first things, I need a Ferrari.
Magnum had one.
Sarah Grimm
Even though it “almost never happens this way”, it’s still great to see insight into the process from query to offer. But I think the coolest thing about this post is the overwhelming support to this new, blessed author. Congratulations on an offer!!
Wendy Lawton
And we appreicate all the prayer that have been offered because this is just step one. Now the book needs to be sold.
We just get over one hurdle and face the next. Oh, this industry we’ve all embraced is such fun.
Jessi Gage
How inspirational!
Thanks for sharing this, Wendy. I love your emphasis on the author’s preparedness. That’s a tidbit we can all take away from the story.
Beth MacKinney
I love a post with a happy ending! : )
Carole Lehr Johnson
Wendy, I loved the way you outlined the day-by-day happenings! God certainly had His hand in this.
Wendy Lawton
And that’s what I wanted to show. It’s different for everyone. I have some proposals on my “pile” that have waited longer. Not fair but sometimes it’s just like that.
And I always look at the “pile” knowing there may be other gems tucked in there. If only I could go away and read and read and read.
Dale Rogers
It’s so exciting to hear a success story like that
(for both parties). And it encourages the rest of us to follow directions and not lose heart.
Wendy Lawton
That’s the key. If you are able to lose heart and quit, writing was probably not your calling anyway, right? If you keep moving forward despite all the naysayers (and why are there so many naysayers these days?) it’s probably a sign that this is something you are doing out of obedience. If that’s the case, all you have to do is your part. You can leave the outcome in His hands.
Martha Ramirez
This is beautifully said, Wendy. I agree!
Cindy R. Wilson
What a sweet story, and congratulations to you both for the new agent/author relationship!
I know, as you said, it almost always never happens like this, but it’s encouraging to read stories like the one you just told. It’s encouraging to see that a well-prepared author who likes to follow guidelines 🙂 and has written a stellar query and good book can make an impression on an agent who is willing to e-mail an author just to say how much she loves a story. It seems you are both a perfect match, and it made me smile today!
Thanks also for the mention that it IS appropriate to nudge an agent after a certain amount of time. I always feel bad because I know the agent is very busy and sometimes it seems rude to keep sending e-mails, even if they are professional.
Wendy Lawton
Always think of it as a help. So much of it has to do with tone. I can’t imagine anyone taking a gentle nudge the wrong way.
This post basically gives me goosebumps! I hope that the author is a friend of mine and I get to share in the joy I’m sure they are rejoicing in! 🙂
Jeanne T
Me too, Casey. 🙂
David Todd
Don’t forget, everyone, that the newly agented author can remain anonymous just by posting to this thread and not outing herself. It might be one of you who already posted.
Wendy, I like your post except for this:
“A nudge is always appropriate.”
Maybe appropriate, but should be totally unnecessary. If my boss had to nudge me to do my job I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have a job. If I had to nudge him to do his job I’m pretty sure the relationship would have ended long ago, not sure by which of us.
FWIW, in my dealings with Christian market agents, 100% of submittals required “the nudge”. In my dealings with general market agents, 0% required “the nudge”.
I see from your Web site that you are both an engineer and an author. I am a technical writer for an engineering company. I write and edit documents for many engineers. I am always nudging engineers, including my boss, on a regular basis. If I don’t nudge they make thier deadlines. If they want NASA to fly their equipment to the International Space Station they HAVE to meet their deadlines therefore they must give me what I need to complete the necessary docuemtation. Basically, it how you nudge that gets people to do what you want. BTW, I been nudging engineers for years.
“If I don’t nudge they make thier deadlines” should be “If I don’t nudge they DON’T make thier deadlines.”
Note to self – Learn to type in 2013.
Jennifer Major
Lori, my dad is an engineer. Oh my word. A lifetime of “Hey, umm, Dad?”
Typing is for the birds. 😉
David Todd
An occasional nudge is needed for anyone, any time. Me included. But habitually? I think not, at least not in an employer/employee situation. I can guarantee you, in any of the four positions I’ve had in my 38 years in the profession, had they needed to nudge be regularly I would have been gone long before my next annual review.
The agent/writer situation is different, of course. It’s not employment, it’s not even seeking employment. It’s seeking someone to look out for your professional writing interests. So the need for and use of “the nudge” is different. But at the same time, the 100% use of the nudge and similar devices by CBA agents to accomplish their job is slowly driving away potential clients. Maybe not many just yet; and maybe there will always be a constant crop of new writers to replace the ones who look for other alternatives, so maybe the system works, in a nudging sort of way.
But, I’m unagented. What do I know?
Katie Ganshert
What an uplifting post! Can I ask a favor? Should this author have a blog and should this author ever write a post about the news, would you pretty pretty please post a link so we can all join her in celebrating?
Hope you’re all enjoying your Tuesday!
Wendy Lawton
This in answer to David. Interesting. I’m guessing it has to do with the difference in the client load from CBA to ABA which is significant.
The reason we don’t get everything done when it comes to queries-proposals-manuscripts from the as-yet-unrepresented is that we put all client work first. The acquisition of new clients must come second.
Our job is to care for our clients and we take that very seriously and hopefully, it doesn’t require nudges. 🙂
But, good observation.
Jill Kemerer
I have quite a few friends who write for the ABA, and all of them have had to “nudge” agents who’ve requested their work. Just adding my two cents. 🙂
I love a fairy tale ending!
Martha Ramirez
This is so awesome, Wendy! Thank you for sharing all this with us. I LOVE the letter you wrote back to her. It really touched me. What a beautiful feeling. I love seeing how God brings people together like this. Now I’m hooked to read this author’s story too. 🙂
Congrats to BOTH of you. For finding the right match.
Eva Ulian
It felt like going to a party on this blog today! I’m envious!!!! 🙂
Jackie Layton
What an encouraging post for a dreary November day.
I liked how you kept saying it almost never happens this way. It’s good to know dreams do come true in God’s timing.
Thanks for sharing!
Sweet. An aspiring author’s dream come true. People do win the lottery. Others earn their fate.
Wendy Lawton
Exactly. There’s nothing you can do to impact your chance of winning the lottery, but your road to publication is entirely dependent on what you do.
Judith Robl
What an encouraging post! I’ve not been through all the comments, but if you and the author will just share title and publication date (when they are available) I’ll bet there will be a run on the book.
Meticulous attention to following directions is always good. I have the feeling the author is just as meticulous about the writing.
This post made me want to throw confetti, release balloons, and shout across the hills. Congratulations to the author. And to you, Wendy.
Wendy Lawton
It’s been interesting to me to see much everyone appreciated seeing my excitement over the book. Here’s a secret: We are that excited over each client we sign. I could have written an equally strong respeonse to each client. We have so many opportunities to sign good, solid books– way more than we could ever fit into our list, so we look for the great, the outstanding books/authors.
With one of my clients I was a huge fan of her writing long before I began representing her. I stood waiting for her one-book-a-year along with all her other fans. I just finished reading another client’s Christmas manuscript. It was all I could talk about. (Fabulous!) So this author is going to fit right in.
Can you imagine how hard it would be for to sell these books if I wasn’t crazy about them? “Um, I have a good, solid romance here. . .”
Editors are the same way. They get so passionate about books.
Sally Bradley
LOL, Wendy! Nothing says romance like “solid.”
Selena Fulton
What a wonderful, inspiring story. I wish I could say I was the author. Perhaps they haven’t stopped celebrating yet?
Congratulations to the both of you!
Sarah Thomas
Soooooo. Come visit me here . . .
Heather Day Gilbert
Just commented over there!!! Love ya girl!
Jennifer Major @Jjumping
And because most Canadians speak a bit of French, I’ll show off.
Speaking of showing off…
And in Bolivian Quechua…
Peter DeHaan
Jill Kemerer
So happy to see your link, Sarah! Congratulations!! Whoop!!
Jenni Brummett
Congrats Sarah!
Yay Sarah! So excited for you! Can’t wait to read the book 🙂
Lindsay Harrel
Woo hoo!!! So happy for you!
Sybil Bates McCormack
We’re also so thrilled for you, Sarah! Blessings!
Wendy Lawton
So glad you solved the mystery, Sarah.
Jeanne T
Yippee!! Sooo happy for you!
Sally Bradley
Sarah, congratulations!
Make sure to have Wendy do all your marketing for you. After reading what she wrote, I can’t WAIT to read your book, and I have no idea what it’s about. Your name’s going on my TBR list.
Sally Bradley
And it hasn’t even sold yet. Bummer.
Kathryn Elliott
Way to go, Sarah! Congrats!
Robin Patchen
Leah E. Good
Eva Ulian
Congratulations Sarah! I’m glad for you really- and I enjoyed the party while the mystery lasted… but the fun is just beginning 🙂
Cindy Bultema
Woo Hoo! I am smiling from ear to ear! Wendy, thank you for sharing the 10 step story. I love watching how God works. I’m especially excited because I happen to know and adore the author. Sarah, I say it’s time we get together and celebrate once again! Yay God! Yay Wendy! Yay Sarah!
Wendy Lawton
And Cindy, you know it is not always like this, right? Sometimes we meet a person at a conference and it speeds the process up even more.
Cindy Bultema
Exactly! Love those early morning breakfasts that end up being Divine appointments! 🙂
Sarah Thomas
Sounds great! Now that we both have the same agent!!
Cynthia Herron
Yay!!! I knew who it was before she chimed in! Congratulations, “new client” and Wendy! Hugs all around!!! (Can we please use the exclamation points in this case?) 🙂
Wendy Lawton
Yes. It’s an appropriate use of the exclamation point. 🙂
Amanda Socci
This was a terrific story, so beautifully laid out. I love how you mentioned about “Who orchestrates these things.” Well, I think we all know exactly WHO was responsible for Sarah’s success…
Many congrats to Sarah!
Shirley Buxton
Wonderful account! I congratulate Sarah here, as I did on her site.
Blessings to all.
And good job on everyone who knew keeping the secret! Finally you can openly share the joy with everyone that you feel for Sarah.
Also, congrats on the new people joining in on the community here. It sorta reminds me of a neighborhood block party: we’re celebrating Sarah and Wendy, while also meeting new neighbors who live around these parts, but haven’t got to meet yet.
I do believe Jennifer has welcoming chocolates, and since it’s a little bit in the morning as I type, I might have a stack of bacon pancakes whipped up shortly. 🙂
I absolutely love your enthusiasm, Wendy:) It’s encouraging to know that agents and editors get as excited about our manuscripts as we do! And a huge congrats to Sarah! I’m heading over to read her post now.
I got the right first name but the wrong last name. Congradulations Sarah Thomas!!
Diane Yuhas
I’d like to read another story of offering representation, but one more in keeping with “this is how it usually happens.” I love the way this story turned out, but I want to keep my feet on solid ground. Congratulations to the newly represented!
I love this story! Thank you for sharing the various steps with us. (I clicked over from the author’s site and I am thrilled for her!) It sounds like you two are a great match. Yay!
I forgot to say that I am bookmarking for future reference Sarah’s “nudge” language because it is such a nice, non-obnoxious way to check in.
jude urbanski
Great story and Wendy, you’ve given us an authentic insight. Thank you. Sarah, yes, God’s timing is stellar.
Leia Brown
This was such an encouraging post! Congrats to Sarah! But it did raise a question for me here in newbie land. You asked for Sarah’s proposal, and she immediately sent it, which meant she had her marketing plan all ready to go. So, then, before a wanna-be writer even has a nibble from an agent, much less a whiff of an actual offer, is she to be contacting radio stations, book stores, etc. asking them to promote her book? I assumed a writer would do that when an agent had already expressed interest in her book – after the query, before the proposal. Isn’t it awkward to do it when there are no concrete indications that the book might be published?
Traci Kenworth
Such a delight to read!! You’re right, it’s nice to hear upbeat stories and to dream of the day when perhaps I can share my own. Congrats to the author!!
Morgan Tarpley
I guessed right!! Go Sarah Thomas! Congrats! Woohoo! 🙂
Katie DePoppe
I’ve been following the blog for quite a while and have never commented, but I feel compelled to tell Sarah I cannot WAIT to read your work! Congratulations! Thanks for the fantastic post, Wendy.