Blogger: Wendy Lawton
Location: Central California Office of Books and Such
The X-factor is that indefinable “something” that denotes star quality. In books it’s the something that makes a project an exception that overcomes all our naysaying and all our rules.
At a writer’s conference, when an editor or an agent panel is asked what they are looking for, someone usually answers with a frustrating “great writing.”
A writer will often put up his hand to say, “Can you be a little more specific?”
But the best the agent or editor can do is, “I’ll know it when I see it.”
What is that all about?
Let’s we were able to synthesize one of those amazing books and figure out exactly what it is that makes it great. Let’s even say we were able to come up with five specific elements that took it over the top, it still wouldn’t help the writer who’s trying to unlock the key to that illusive X-factor. If you were to combine all five elements in your manuscript, it would guarantee nothing. The X-factor cannot be quantified or mimicked.
It’s so illusive that we can recognize it but we cannot manufacture it.
You’ve seen how some speakers are able to woo the crowd each and every time they take the stage, right? They’ve got that X-factor. Another speaker could study the technique and painstakingly apply it to his own presentation and it would still miss the mark. It’s like that with books.
There is something instinctive with some writers, some innate ability to connect, to use language and to present ideas that simply rises above the norm. It’s the same with performers. Some are physically beautiful and technically perfect but compared to someone who has that x-factor, they simply fall flat.
It’s much like memoir. Many writers cannot distinguish between telling their own story—personal narrative—and memoir. There’s a big difference and much of it is that X-factor. We talk about “memoir voice.” I don’t think it can be taught. You either have it or you don’t. It’s a transparent way of telling your story—usually using sophisticated literary devices—that allows the story to become the vehicle for presenting universal truths.
The X Factor. Hmmmm. So I spent an entire blog not defining what it is.
But I know it when I see it.
LOL. “So I spent an entire blog not defining what it is.” It’s just not something you can be specific about. . . Totally understand.
Argggh. (LOL)
Ok, can you give an example of a book that took your breath away and you couldn’t wait to market it? (Of course, one that sold.) Or maybe one on the market that shows that “thing?” (I have to think about the answers to my own questions.)
I know the trouble with this is that once you catch lightening in the bottle, you are not going to look for that one again, are you? (Unless it’s Amish?)
Would you say to just write the passion of your heart and see what happens? I think I get tangled up in the details.
Two words: Pioneer Woman blog.
Okay…that was three words, but I stumbled on Ree Drummond’s online writing recently and am totally amazed by her way of “keeping it real.” VERY readable, even though she occasionally shuns “the rules.” Transparency, presence, voice–I’d read her online memoirs even if she just wrote recipes…and she does. 🙂
Tens of thousands of online fans seem to agree. It’s crazy, but readers really do know it when they see it. And then it goes viral!
Hmmm, Crystal. Good question. I think every book I end up representing has that breath-taking quality for me, or else I wouldn’t be able to present it to the publishers with confidence.
I see so many possible projects that I’m blessed to be able to skim the cream off the top.
And about whether I ever do a similar thing twice– yes, I might. I try not to have competing voices in my clientele but if, for instance, I found I really clicked with Christmas anthologies, I might try to find an interesting new one each year.
And Lynn Dean, I’m going to have to check out your pioneer woman. I love reading unique new voices.
Here’s the link:
I started with the Love Story. Great read for Valentine’s Day. 😉