‘Tis the season of the writers conference, both in-person and virtual. Perhaps you’ve just attended one, and you feel as if a mountain of useful information has been placed in your lap. You’re thrilled to have it, it’s what you …
Spiritual Warfare and the Ministry of the Christian Writer
“What kind of books do you write?” my neighbor asked. I told her a little of what I’ve written, smirking she said,”Oh, you’re a Christian author.”
Afterwards I kept thinking of those two words, Christian author. I remembered penning words …
Spiritual Warfare and the Ministry of the Christian WriterRead More
Writer Hacks
If you want to write faster, or with more emotion on the page, or more compellingly, or without losing track of who’s who, or losing your mind, you may need a writer hack.
A quick online search will reveal hacks …
Does Your Writing Career Need a Diet?
Does your writing career need to go on a diet so that it can get stronger again?
It’s no secret that losing weight is one of the most common new year’s resolutions. The resolution is triggered by an ah-ha moment …
Herding Cats
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
A Susan Branch calendar had a quote I love: “I’m trying to arrange my life so I don’t even have to be present.”
Bingo! That’s what I keep aiming for. I’m looking for the auto-pilot method of …
How Do You Recharge?
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
Normally I talk about the things I know or I try to give solid writing and publishing advice. Today I’m turning the tables. I’d like you to give advice. When you’ve come home from a long trip …
The Much-Dreaded Logjam
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
Are you tired of hearing us talk about the agent time crunch? Unfortunately, it’s the reason for much of our agent angst. Most of us maintain a set level of clients and it takes more than a …
What Makes Me Cringe?
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
I’m heading out on a working vacation for two weeks, so I dusted off a post from about seven years ago that, unfortunately, still rings true. It’s especially timely in light of my absence. For the next …
Herding Cats (Again)
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
As you know by now, I’m an avid proponent of productivity systems. The weekend before last, my business/ organizational coach came to spend the weekend with me. This time it was to be a friend event, not …
Snowed Under
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
Many of you got a good dose of snow over the weekend. I’m not going to talk about being snowed in but about that horrible feeling of being snowed under.
I decided to use these first few …