I wrote this blog post several years ago. Somethings remain the same over time, including the various types of literary agents a writer can choose from. Here’s the post:
Yesterday I had a conversation with Dee, a potential new client. …
// by Janet Grant// 5 Comments
I wrote this blog post several years ago. Somethings remain the same over time, including the various types of literary agents a writer can choose from. Here’s the post:
Yesterday I had a conversation with Dee, a potential new client. …
// by Barb Roose// 8 Comments
Finishing a query is big deal! You’ve spent hours in front of your computer wrestling the words that capture your passion, imagination and life experience into a query letter.
To give your dream the best chance of getting an agent …
// by Janet Grant// 45 Comments
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
For those of you who have tried to gain an agent’s attention but not succeeded, this blog’s for you.
Our agency receives thousands of queries every year, which means we have to say no to thousands …
// by Janet Grant// 23 Comments
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
I wrote this blog three years ago. It was well-received then, so I’m re-posting it during the holidays, when our offices are closed. Enjoy chatting amongst yourselves, and Merry Christmas!
Last week I was interviewed for …
A Literary Agent Dishes on the Job’s Pluses and MinusesRead More
// by Wendy Lawton// 26 Comments
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
I’m currently on the road, finishing up an almost two-week long book tour with Lauraine Snelling. I thought it would be fitting to rewrite a blog post from a few years ago because we need this important …
// by Janet Grant// 40 Comments
Janet Kobobel Grant
Sometimes at the end of a workday, I review my accomplishments and realize I did nothing to make money. Oh, I was plenty busy, but no funds will come my way as a result of the work.…
// by Janet Grant// 58 Comments
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
Last week I was interviewed for a radio program, and the interviewer asked me what I liked best and what I liked least about my job. I didn’t have time to give a full answer, but …
// by Rachel Kent// 40 Comments
Blogger: Rachel Kent
A story of an agent reaching out to an author.
I was shot down today in an email! Actually, I’m making it sound more dramatic than it was, but I needed a hook for my story.
I …
// by Janet Grant// 69 Comments
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
When I first became an agent sixteen years ago, I envisioned myself representing best-selling projects that would bring in hefty paychecks for the rest of my life. That meant I could sip refreshing drinks accessorized with …
// by Rachel Kent// 74 Comments
Blogger: Rachel Kent
We received a package today filled with goodies for one of the agents at the agency. This gift was from a writer who emailed a query for a project and mailed the box to go along with …