Popularity of audiobooks is unquestionably on the rise. Our love for being read to might have begun in childhood, but it’s seen a resurgence in recent years. More traditional publishers are coordinating release of an audio version on or near …
Publishing Forecast–Part 1
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
What is publishing’s next iteration? Every once in awhile I like to take a look to the future to see where publishing might be headed. As I “guess ahead,” I see several trends that I believe …
Publishing Trends
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
Recently Rachelle wrote a post on how Amazon continues to be a disruptor to the publishing industry. This time Amazon’s decision about what buy buttons are readily displayed based on which seller offers the lowest price …
State of Publishing: Which Categories Are Growing?
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
Location: Books & Such main office, Santa Rosa, Calif.
So far this week we’ve looked at which publishing categories are growing in e-book sales and the pressures publishers’ are experiencing as the industry transitions into e-book …
A New Year—A New Story
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
Location: Books & Such Central Valley, California Office
Weather: High eighties
Because today is Labor Day in America—a national holiday—I’m going to indulge in a purely personal post for today. Tomorrow I’ll don my agent hat again.…