Blogger: Rachel Kent
One of my favorite things to do is to call a debut client to tell him or her that we received an offer. It’s such a delight to share in the moment when that author’s dreams become a reality! All sales are extremely exciting, but there is something extra special about getting an offer on a debut. We discovered our debut clients and have believed in them from the beginning. We’ve often spent years working hard together to find just the right project to catch the editor’s eye.
Every year at Books & Such our book sales are comprised of three different kinds of books. We have the debut projects; the “renewables” (new projects sold to the publishing house of an established author); and the books by established authors who are either starting out at a new publishing house or who publish with multiple publishing houses.
This year at Books & Such, we sold projects for ten debut authors! And four of those ten people sold more than one project this year. This is a small percentage of our total agency sales, but it is a wonderful number of new authors starting out in the publishing world. Four of those ten authors are fiction writers and the other six are nonfiction. I hope this is an encouragement to those of you who have heard there is no room for new people in publishing today. There are slots for debut authors, and many editors are excited to get books from new talent. They are always looking for a breakout project.
Finding the right project, agent, or editor takes time, so I hope you’ll stick with it and follow your dreams even when the publishing industry can seem so discouraging.
Be encouraged! Debut authors are still finding publishing homes. Via @RachellKent Click to tweet.
Shelli Littleton
Congratulations! Very encouraging, indeed!
Finding that right project … that small niche … the one that makes you continually smile … and being the “go to” person in that field … that is quite an accomplishment and one I am working on discovering.
Melodie Harris
You are one of my encouragers! Lord willing, our earthly paths will cross some day.
Shelli Littleton
Melodie, thank you so much! You blessed my day. I do hope that our earthly paths cross … that would be incredible! π
Melodie Harris
This does give me hope, Rachel. Thank you for encouraging the novice, developing the debut writer, and supporting the established one.
I often do not get to read the comments until the end of the work day, but I find hope through the interaction of the followers with their kind and humorous words. I am beginning to understand people’s excitement when they write of finally meeting their online pals in person at a conference.
Jill Kemerer
Melodie, I met two of my best friends through online communities. They’re both phenomenal writers, and I’m blessed to be able to critique their work. Commenting on blogs like this might lead you to unexpected friends, the way it did for me!
Melodie Harris
That’s great! I have found it to be so true. The time investment of reading and commenting is well-worth it.
This summer before attending my first professional conference, I had the guts to hit “post comment” on Gabrielle Meyer’s blog. She responded and then friended me on FB. She found a common friend on my list. Ironically, it was my cousin; they live in the same town and attend the same church. It’s a small world after all. The cliche fits! And I know if I have a question that I feel embarrassed about posting, I can email her or Beth Vogt, who met with me through common book club friend.
So you established writers out there, thank you for paying attention to us newbies and helping us become the debut authors we desire to be some day!
Rachel Kent
I love the community of writers in the CBA market, too! They are such great prayer partners, friends, and encouragers!
Jill Kemerer
Congratulations to all the debut authors! It’s wonderful to hear of publishing houses taking chances on new voices.
Your guidance has been essential to me! Sometimes writers (me!) aren’t sure about the best direction to take, and that’s why I’m thankful to have you as my agent. Thanks for all your advice and encouragement over the years, Rachel!!
Jenni Brummett
I’m excited for you, Jill!
Kristen Joy Wilks
That is so exciting. I can’t imagine how thrilled they were. Did they scream on the phone? I think I would.
Shirlee Abbott
It would be so much fun to silently eavesdrop on those calls. Or better yet, watch (I want to see the happy dance).
Jill Kemerer
Kristen and Shirlee, I was one of those debut authors, and the first thing I did was burst into tears. I’ve been trying to get published for 7 years, and I was ready to quit. Getting the call from Rachel was a highlight of my life I won’t EVER forget!!
Melodie Harris
How wonderful! I’d be in tears and jumping all over the house! Keep up the good work, Jill!
Kristen Joy Wilks
That is so awesome! I love to hear people’s success stories. It’s so fun.
Jennifer Smith
Congrats, Jill!!
Rachel Kent
Most of the time they cry or are very flustered. It takes a couple days for it all to sink in, I think!
Jeanne Takenaka
It must be a blast to call a client and tell him/her they’ve got an offer. It’s been fun to do a virtual happy dance for a few friends this year who have received that call. Thanks for the call to stay encouraged! π
Andrew Budek-Schmeisser
Your enthusiasm, Rachel, shines through your words, and it gave me a smile this morning.
One of the salient features of the Books and Such staff is their care and love for their authors. It’s heartwarming, and exemplifies the Christian way of doing business.
The world is a better place because you are here.
Rachel Kent
Thanks so much, Andrew! The world is a better place because of you, too! π
Cynthia Herron
Rachel, thanks for the call to stay encouraged!
Jennifer Zarifeh Major
I don’t watch Big Bang Theory regularly, but this reaction to the tiara is how I would imagine it feels to get an offer.
Ignore the first 10 seconds, and then substitute the word “contract”.
Jennifer Zarifeh Major
Once I started to get serious about this writing thing, I learned that finding and signing with the right agent was basically the difference between raggedy sweats and old pink Crocs, and vintage Levi’s 501s and black leather cowboy boots.
When I signed with Mary Keeley last year, I was overjoyed! And I KNOW I’m a “thankasaurus”. But I’m fine with being that way, and I never, ever want to forget that feeling, or that moment.
This post gives me hope that will sustain me for the dreary days this winter when I’m writing and wondering if I’ll see my name up in font as one of those break-out projects.
And if not? There is joy in the journey.
N. L. Brumbaugh
Thank you for sharing this. I am a self-published author who is hoping (and striving) to change it up. Your words give me hope.
Jennifer Smith
I haven’t had a chance to get on here in a while, but now that I am, it’s nice to come back to encouraging news. π Thanks for sharing, Rachel. And congrats to the debut authors!
Christine Dorman
This is very encouraging, Rachel. Thank you for giving hope to those of us who are yet to be “discovered.” π
Also, thanks to all of you for your openness to debut authors and–as always–for being so generous in helping us learn about the business of writing and publishing.
Many blessings!
Jenni Brummett
Blessed and encouraged as we celebrate with you, Rachel.
Joe Plemon
I’m struggling to think of anything to compare to the thrill you get in making those calls to debut authors. Maybe calling Jan’s mom (many years ago) to announce that we were expecting her first grandchild. Maybe.
Thanks for this encouraging post. There is indeed hope for us debut authors.
Rachel Kent
That is a very good comparison, Joe! π
Jessica Lynne Martin
Thanks for sharing, and congrats to all your newly-published authors!
Though my ultimate goal is/was to be traditionally published, the more I read of ‘successful’ authors leaving the big houses in favor of indie publication, and the more author friends I have seeing success with self-publishing, I tend to feel that I will land there.
BUT – your post gives me a glimmer of hope that someday I, too, might land that ever-elusive traditional contract! π
Jessica Lynne Martin
Thanks for sharing, and congrats to all your newly-published authors!
Though my ultimate goal is/was to be traditionally published, the more I read of βsuccessfulβ authors leaving the big houses in favor of indie publication, and the more author friends I have seeing success with self-publishing, I tend to feel that I will land there.
BUT β your post gives me a glimmer of hope that someday I, too, might land that ever-elusive traditional contract! π
S.J. Francis
Thank you, Rachel for sharing this insight. It is encouraging and informative. As a writer, I greatly appreciate it.
S.J. Francis
N. L. Brumbaugh
Rachel, thank you. This information is wonderfully encouraging.
Linda Jewell
Heart-felt congratulations to the debut authors and thank you for your encouragement. Even encouragers need encouragement from time to time. π
Gary Neal Hansen
Thank you, Rachel, for sharing this. It is very encouraging–and encouragement is a gift of God, whether given to your newly contracted authors or to the rest of us looking on.
And to those blessed ten, may your words be a blessing to many many many readers!