Blogger: Rachel Kent
We live in interesting times. We have instant access to news, pictures, shopping, etc. online 24/7. There’s so much information being shared each day. In some ways technology has made life/work simpler, but in many other ways …
// by Rachel Kent// 42 Comments
Blogger: Rachel Kent
We live in interesting times. We have instant access to news, pictures, shopping, etc. online 24/7. There’s so much information being shared each day. In some ways technology has made life/work simpler, but in many other ways …
// by Wendy Lawton// 43 Comments
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
As you know by now, I’m an avid proponent of productivity systems. The weekend before last, my business/ organizational coach came to spend the weekend with me. This time it was to be a friend event, not …
// by Janet Grant// 62 Comments
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
You know how some blog post titles overreach, over-promise, and smack of snake oil salesmanship? That would not be this post’s title. The real con is the lie that we are more efficient when we multitask …
// by Wendy Lawton// 57 Comments
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
As I may have mentioned, ahem, I’m on a productivity kick. Last week I listened to a great Craig Groeschel Time Management podcast, It’s About Time. The podcast is actually meant for leaders but …
// by Wendy Lawton// 38 Comments
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
Many of you got a good dose of snow over the weekend. I’m not going to talk about being snowed in but about that horrible feeling of being snowed under.
I decided to use these first few …
// by Janet Grant// 80 Comments
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
I read an article in Publishers Weekly recently that advised writers to publish a lot: “The more books you have out there, the easier the marketing game is….This principle applies to any creative pursuit. The more …
Critical Mass vs. Cannibalism: What Authors Need to KnowRead More
// by Janet Grant// 55 Comments
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
We all struggle with time management, but as social media steals away more and more of our minutes, our angst over lost time grows. Here at Books & Such, we’re always brainstorming how to get to …
// by Rachel Kent// 14 Comments
Blogger: Rachel Kent
I suspect many of you are participating in NANOWRIMO this year. I know quite a few of my clients are. I’m loving the Facebook updates–especially the ones with pictures of frazzled writers. 🙂 So cute!
I hope …
// by Rachel Kent// 57 Comments
Blogger: Rachel Kent
In the publishing industry we are all juggling many tasks and often wear multiple “hats” each day. I know authors who are currently working on edits for one book, writing a second book, and putting a proposal …
// by Rachel Kent// 25 Comments
Blogger: Rachel Kent
I’m sure many of you have seen the news of our giant California fire–the Rocky fire. Thankfully, it is about 40 miles away from my home, but I believe that 40 or more homes have been lost …