Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
What does an agent mean when she says career planning is a big part of what she does with her clients? Isn’t that a bit like saying you paddled your boat through the Colorado River white …
// by Janet Grant// 33 Comments
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
What does an agent mean when she says career planning is a big part of what she does with her clients? Isn’t that a bit like saying you paddled your boat through the Colorado River white …
// by Janet Grant// 53 Comments
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
Some jobs look pretty much the same one day as they do the next. That’s seldom true for a literary agent. One day can be all about phone calls. Another day I might not speak on …
// by Janet Grant// 40 Comments
Janet Kobobel Grant
Sometimes at the end of a workday, I review my accomplishments and realize I did nothing to make money. Oh, I was plenty busy, but no funds will come my way as a result of the work.…
// by Janet Grant// 44 Comments
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
What do you think is the hardest part of being an agent? Negotiating contracts? Selling projects? Handling clients’ emotional wipe-outs?
While each of these tasks is a considerable challenge at times, the hardest part of this …
// by Janet Grant// 69 Comments
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
When I first became an agent sixteen years ago, I envisioned myself representing best-selling projects that would bring in hefty paychecks for the rest of my life. That meant I could sip refreshing drinks accessorized with …
// by Janet Grant// 68 Comments
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
No, agents don’t enjoy receiving bad news. But we do want to be the first to hear certain details of how the writing process is going that writers don’t tend to willingly divulge.
1. I’m going …
// by Rachel Kent// 60 Comments
Blogger: Rachel Kent
One of the occurrences that we enjoy at Books & Such is when surprise publishing opportunities are presented to us that we can then pass along to our clients.
Here are a couple of examples:
1) An …
Surprise Opportunities: One of the benefits of having an agentRead More