Blogger: Wendy Lawton (Still touring the beautiful English Countryside)
I sense much submission angst out there in writer land. I think a quiz is in order to help you identify some of the fatal submission mistakes a writer might inadvertently …
// by Wendy Lawton// 32 Comments
Blogger: Wendy Lawton (Still touring the beautiful English Countryside)
I sense much submission angst out there in writer land. I think a quiz is in order to help you identify some of the fatal submission mistakes a writer might inadvertently …
// by Wendy Lawton// 49 Comments
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
One of the most difficult things for a writer is to close the file on a book or a proposal and declare it ready. Almost as hard as prying it out of their clenched fingers at a …
// by Janet Grant// 44 Comments
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
Recently I received two queries that I thought held promise. So I asked to see the proposals and first chapters. On close inspection, I found both projects weren’t ready to be submitted. As I list the …