Blogger: Wendy Lawton
Location: Round Top, Texas
Every year the agents at Books & Such spend some serious time setting professional goals. We have to commit to paper what we want to accomplish including specific financial and performance goals. Last year was a record year for me. I surpassed my sales goal in early September and ended up going almost 60% over my goal. It led me to thinking about risk. As I was chewing on what to do for 2012, here’s what I wrote, in part, to my fellow agents:
I’ve been back and forth about my Books & Such goals because I sold so much this year and so many of my clients are already contracted. So does that mean I should be realistic for 2012 and set a lower goal? As I’ve been thinking about taking risks I’m realizing it’s not what we do that counts, it’s about how big we think our God is. He plainly asks us, “What do you want?” (Mark 10:51) He wants us to put it in words! I took baby steps in doing this for 2011 but it increased my faith in leaps and bounds. A skeptic might say that by asking for something specific we just work all that much harder to get it. He might say it wasn’t really God, it was just hard, focused work. That may be part of it, but my prayer journal and some amazing “coincidences” disprove that theory.
So, about taking risks– I think I need to ask for big enough results that I can clearly see it’s all God and very little me. Sometimes this is scary. What if we ask, believing, and it doesn’t happen? Will it diminish my faith? Will it diminish God? That even sounds silly, doesn’t it. If he says no, for whatever reason, we’ll dig into that and figure out what he’s teaching us. Either way, our faith will grow.
I’ve decided I need to be bold on behalf of my clients (and because I’m becoming addicted to seeing God move mountains as a result of prayer). He can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine! (Ephesians 3:20) Immeasurably more.
Part of the reason I’m talking about risk is that I’m doing a long distance Bible study with my husband and grown kids. It’s the one I mentioned yesterday, Chase the Lion, based on Mark Batterson’s book In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day. It’s about stepping confidently into the unknown, taking risks and meeting challenges. I tend to want to lead a conservative, safe, peaceful life while all the time God is challenging me to strap on my helmet and take a dive into adventure. Batterson says, “The world is full of cautious and prudent people who will live fine, long lives. But chances are if you spend your life in an attempt to eliminate risk, uncertainty and fear you will miss out on some of the most amazing experiences a person can have with Jesus.”
So what about you? Are you willing to take risks? What about banging on some of those doors in publishing marked “no admittance.” How about risking to write that book that may be outside the parameters of what is selling right now? What about diving right in and doing multiple submissions to both agents and publishers who still take unsolicited queries? If you are dreaming big, what are you willing to risk to reach for those dreams?
Wow Wendy, what powerful words and what a challenge for us all to step out in faith. Thank you for sharing! (And congratulations on your successes in 2011!)
We had a devotion about this very thing in staff meeting today! In the book of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego knew God could deliver them from the fiery furnance. But they also knew He might not do it. They asked for what they wanted and then moved forward knowing God would do what was best. It’s not about blind faith, it’s about stepping out and trusting God even when the results aren’t what you had in mind. Dream big and pray. Sounds like a good plan for 2012.
Daniel 3:17-18 “If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”
LOVE this! I once heard that you should be specific when asking for prayer to God. Ever since I heard that, I have been very specific and it is truly amazing that prayers do actually get answered in a way that I know it is only God that can make it happen.
I am def willing to take risks and sacrifice what is needed to achieve my goals. I love how you mention you need to ask for big enough results so you can clearly see it’s all God and very little you.
I love to work and I have a lot of passion but sometimes that isn’t quite enough. This reminds me that no matter how large I dream, anything is possible.
I’m a big dreamer and have been praying for the impossible but after reading this post, I feel so excited that I am not the only one who feels this way. Not the only one who is specific and dreams big. And as always anything is possible with God.
BTW Congrats on your sales last year. I read one of your tweets on Twitter on how many sales you had and it just blew me away. Absolutely amazing!! So awesome!
Well, I don’t bungee jump, spelunk, skydive, or any other type of physical danger type risks. But I’ve taken lots of career risks, including assignments that kept me five years in the Middle East. And there was my risk, as a product of the northeastern megalopolis, of moving to the south, first North Carolina then Arkansas. Talk about culture shock.
As for risks in writing, I fired off a query today. I write the kind of books I like to read without consideration of the market, risking that there are millions of readers out there who like the same kind of books I do. I’m starting to think that’s a bad risk. I suppose self-publishing is a risk of sorts, different than the risks of legacy publishing.
Congratulations, Wendy, on your triumphant accomplishment!
Now, about that “risk” word…Heavenly days! Living life is a risk!
As long as we’re living, breathing, and walking around in these earthly bodies (for now), I don’t believe God ever wants us to settle for less, lower our expectations, or sell ourselves short. If that were the case, I would have thrown in the towel 20 years ago as I tapped out word after lonely word on my little Brother typewriter. But I had a vision, a dream–a deeply intrinsic belief that I was a masterpiece in the making. That’s what faith does! It’s knowing that we may just be a lump of clay in the molding process for now, but recognizing that some of the finest vases began on the Potter’s wheel.
Thanks for firing us up today! (And yes…I AM dreaming big, because my God is indeed a BIG God.) 🙂
Amazing, life-altering post, Wendy! Thank you!
First of all, let me offer my congratulations. How wonderful for you and your clients. It’s always powerful when we see God’s hand in our lives.
I’ve spent a lot of time in prayer lately for a variety of reasons. It’s helped me to make some decisions that I feel very strongly about. One of them is to keep on track with my writing, even if I return to the work force this year. My time is already limited, and the thought of adding more on top of that is overwhelming. All I know is, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Phil 4:13).
Thank you, Pastor Wendy. Powerful and beautiful. One of the lessons God is teaching me is this: in the spiritual realm, victory is not the victory; FAITH is the victory (read Heb 11). Faith is the victory, even if the outcomes go south. That shining moment of faith wins the applause of the angels and puts a smile on the face of God. Faith — against all odds — pleases God. Our job is faith. God’s job is outcomes. Thank you for living that way for your clients. Yet another reason when Books & Such is so blessed by God. Kudos. Bill
Wendy, the older I get the more risk I’m willing to take. I mean, what have I got to lose? And even if I stumble, those everlasting arms are there to catch me.
I love this series! Wendy, beautiful words, wonderful sentiment, thoughtfully done.
Thank you!