Blogger: Rachel Kent
Location: Books & Such main office, Santa Rosa, Calif.
Here are a few of my goals from last year. These goals were realistic goals for me, and I’ve been somewhat succeeded at them because of it.
Change my reading system to involve my Kindle. *Go paperless*
Get new picture for website. Look professional.
Pray for my clients each week.
Gym 3x a week.
I was motivated in some way to succeed at each one of these goals. How did I do?
The Kindle reading system was the reason I got my Kindle in the first place. I now do most of my reading on it and only read manuscripts on the computer when I know I’m going to be doing quite a bit of editing. I have succeeded in going paperless for almost all reading and submissions this year! I was very motivated to accomplish this because it put my new Kindle to use, saved money, saved trees, saved writers money on paper and postage, and saved space in the office. I used to have an OVERWHELMING stack of manuscripts next to my desk. Now they’re all filed on the computer and tucked away on my Kindle. It’s much less intimidating. I mostly still buy paperback books though. I just prefer to do my business reading on my Kindle.
I have needed a new picture for the website for a couple of years now, and I set this as a goal because I’m good at procrastinating on things like that. I hate getting my picture taken! I 100% achieved this goal, and I think my new picture is nice and professional. I was motivated to accomplish this goal because I look so young in my old photo and hopefully look a few years older in my new one! (My friend who took my new picture grew up on a large piece of property and her father raises goats. The rock wall behind me in the photo is the goat-barn wall. =) )
Praying for my clients each week is something I’ve tried to do since I started as an agent, and I have my good weeks and my bad weeks, but I’m always working toward being more diligent about my prayers. I’m motivated to accomplish this goal because I know prayer works and can make a huge difference in lives even if you just pray for a person’s needs without knowing them exactly.
The gym goal was reasonable for me because at the beginning of 2011 I was in the habit of going to the gym three times a week already. I have been pretty successful with keeping this up because I feel better about life when I’m actively working out. My one hitch with the gym is that I don’t like going alone. Thankfully I have friends with a membership at the same gym, and my husband enjoys working out too.
What are some reasonable goals that you set for 2011? How have you done? What motivated you to accomplish the goals you set?
Jennifer K. Hale
I love your new photo. I think you look fabulous!! 🙂
I don’t really make year-long goals because I can’t seem to accomplish them. I work on the short term and I do okay at that. I do have a goal to complete my next manuscript before the end of the year. I better get busy! 🙂
Cheryl Malandrinos
I love your new photo too, Rachel. While it still captures your youth and vitality, it shows a young woman who appears professional and fun.
I had mentioned where I was with my goals in yesterday’s post, but after I went to review them, I realized I did better than I thought. I started out the year with four goals:
1. Finish the first draft of Amelia’s Mission by the end of March–This didn’t happen, but the ghostwriting project I thought was dead came to pass and I am focusing on that. I have 14 chapters of Amelia’s Mission written.
2. Work on at least 2 of the picture book ideas I came up with during Picture Book Idea Month–I wrote 6 picture books. One is under consideration with an agent; one is with an illustrator who is going to draw a few pictures for it; and I am slowly editing the others to get them ready.
3. Finalize submission and query letter for first chapter reader and submit to the publisher who expressed interest in it by the end of January–I received a book contract for this one. It should release in 2012.
4. Would love to write an inspirational romance novella to submit to White Rose Publishing–This is on the back burner until I get Hold Your Horses and Amelia’s Mission done. It might be a 2012 project.
New goal: Complete Hold Your Horses (ghostwriting project) by July 31, 2011–This didn’t happen, mainly because of time and research, but I had extensions built in until October 31st. I need to draft an amendment for the contract and work toward getting it done by year end. It will be tough, but I hope I can do it.
Thanks for giving me a reason to check in on my goals and to start looking forward to 2012.
Rachel Kent
Thanks for sharing, Cheryl! It was good for me to look at my goals before the end of the year as well. Your goals look ambitious, but as you enjoy writing, I bet they’re fun too.
Rachel Kent
Jenny, if I didn’t have to set yearly goals, I probably wouldn’t. I’m like you in that way. I do think that setting them with the work team is a good thing for me. It gives me accountability partners for all the goals I set.
Peter DeHaan
My website photo is 8 years old and though I’d like to think I haven’t changed that much, I know I have. The new photos have been taken and I just need to upload them — perhaps tomorrow I will get to it!