Blogger: Wendy Lawton
Well, it’s time to find out how much you know about seeking literary representation. Here are the answers to the questions from yesterday’s test:
- The best way to get an agent is to simply pick
// by Wendy Lawton// 91 Comments
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
Well, it’s time to find out how much you know about seeking literary representation. Here are the answers to the questions from yesterday’s test:
// by Wendy Lawton// 47 Comments
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
You expected Janet Grant today, didn’t you? Janet let me have her blogging day so that we could do a two-day quiz. (And you thought you were through with finals forever.)
We’ve often said that members of …
// by Wendy Lawton// 50 Comments
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
Anyone out there feeling like a book marketing guru? We often hear from writers that knowing the potential competition for their books is the hardest thing about doing a proposal. But reading the market is an important …
// by Janet Grant// 14 Comments
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
A misconception writers have about agents is that, when a client submits a proposal, the agent downloads it, adds his/her contact info to the submission and blasts it out that same day to every even-vaguely possible …
// by Wendy Lawton// 47 Comments
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
This month is the now famous NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month. This is the month many around the world will be focusing on writing a first draft of their novel. I don’t want to pile more …
// by Janet Grant// 38 Comments
Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
On Thursday, Mary wrote about how creating a synopsis for a proposal confounds many writers. Another part of the proposal that I frequently hear questions about is the Title Comparables or Competition section.
The first thing …
// by Janet Grant// 34 Comments
Today we have a guest post from Chad R. Allen based on his experience as editorial director for Baker Books. He’s offering some sage advice on creating a compelling book proposal.
This young, attractive lady knew what she was doing. …
// by Rachel Kent// 37 Comments
Blogger: Rachel Kent
Typically, literary agencies have a format that we request all of our clients’ proposals to be in when they send them to us. At Books & Such we call this template our “style sheet.” It has guidelines …
// by Wendy Lawton// 49 Comments
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
One of the most difficult things for a writer is to close the file on a book or a proposal and declare it ready. Almost as hard as prying it out of their clenched fingers at a …
// by Wendy Lawton// 35 Comments
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
Once in a while I hear a scathing author criticism of his agent, “He just sat on my manuscript.” Most clients expect that when we receive their proposal we turn it around and get it right out. …